A new affordable newsletter platform for founders & marketers

affordable newsletter platforms

These days, it seems like everyone’s talking about newsletters. From startup founders to marketing gurus, people are jumping on the newsletter bandwagon. And for good reason! Newsletters are a great way to connect with your audience, share your ideas, and build your personal brand.

But how do you start one without spending a fortune or getting lost in the crowd?

Let’s talk about that, and how Typedd can help.

Why Newsletters Are Everywhere in 2024

Newsletters are becoming more popular because:

  1. They land right in people’s inboxes
  2. More people read them compared to social media posts
  3. They help you show what you know
  4. They’re great for keeping in touch with potential customers

The trick is to make your newsletter stand out and be interesting to read.

How Typedd Makes Newsletters Easier and Better

Typedd isn’t just another place to write blogs. It’s specially made for people who want to start newsletters and make them look good. Here’s what you can do with Typedd:

1. Make Your Content Look Great

Let’s face it, no one wants to read a wall of text. With Typedd, you can:

  • Break your content into slides so it’s easier to read
  • Add cool background colors to each slide
  • Use nice pictures from Unsplash in your posts

This makes your newsletter more fun to read and helps people remember what you wrote.

2. Use Your Social Media Posts

Already posting on social media? Great! Typedd has a tool that lets you:

  • Bring in your posts from LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook
  • Turn your best social media posts into newsletter content
  • Keep your message the same across all platforms

This saves you time and helps you use what you’ve already created.

3. Grow Your Audience

Getting more subscribers is important. Typedd helps you:

  • Create freebies to attract new subscribers
  • Write special content that people need to sign up to see
  • Have a clean, simple blog that turns visitors into subscribers.

These tools help you build a group of people who want to hear from you regularly.

4. Send Newsletters Without Breaking the Bank

Sending lots of emails can get expensive. Typedd works with:

  • Cheaper email services like Plunk and Resend
  • Zapier, so you can use your favorite email tools
  • Options that fit your budget

This means you can focus on writing great stuff instead of worrying about costs.

Here’s the video demo of Typedd

Personal Branding and Newsletters

Let’s talk about personal branding for a minute. In today’s world, your personal brand is super important. It’s how people know who you are and what you’re good at. Newsletters are perfect for building your personal brand because:

  1. They let you share your thoughts and ideas directly
  2. You can show your personality in your writing
  3. Regular emails keep you in people’s minds
  4. You can become known as an expert in your field

Think about the big names in your industry. Chances are, many of them have newsletters. They use them to share their knowledge, talk about their experiences, and connect with their audience. You can do the same!

Starting Your Own Newsletter

Ready to give it a try? Here’s how to start:

  1. Sign up for Typedd and set up your blog
  2. Write your first post, using slides and pictures to make it look nice
  3. Offer something free to get people to sign up
  4. Pick an email service (Plunk or Resend are good, cheap options)
  5. Bring in your social media posts to get started
  6. Tell people about your newsletter on your social media

Remember, the key is to keep at it.

Choose how often you’ll send your newsletter and stick to it. With Typedd, making good-looking content is easy, so you can focus on writing.

Wrapping Up

Starting a newsletter doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. Typedd gives you the tools to make your newsletter look good, grow your audience, and send emails without spending too much. Whether you’re a founder sharing your startup story or a marketer talking about what you know, Typedd can help you stand out.

Want to join other thought leaders and start your own newsletter? Check out Typedd.com and see how easy it can be!