Turn your Twitter/X Threads into blogs

A new way to share your Twitter posts with the world

How does it work?

Install Chrome extension

Install Typedd's post repurposing chrome extension.

Open the Twitter post

Open your Twitter thread in a new tab. Click on the Typedd repurpose button.

Publish It

Add a title for the post, preview and edit any changes and hit publish.

Our powerful chrome extension

Easily publish Twitter threads as your Typedd blogs – directly from the same page.

linkedin posts to blogs
linkedin posts to blogs

It's Super Fast! ⚡

It will adjust and edit the layout of the thread by itself.

All you have to do is add the title of your post and Typedd will do the rest.

So you’ll have your blog made in seconds!

How does it help?

higher Reach

Blogs allow for more detailed content and building a larger, a more diverse audience.

SEO Visibility

Longer, high-quality blogs affect search visibility and help reach farther than Twitter.

Thought Leadership

Blogs build credibility, demonstrates expertise by contributing to thought leadership.

Repurposing content

Converting Twitter threads into blogs enhances impact across platforms and audiences

Start your social blog journey today

It takes <1 min to build your social blog