Turn Your X Posts into Blog Articles with One Click

x posts into blogs

Ever wrote a great thread on X (you know, the platform formerly known as Twitter) and thought, “This would make a great blog post”? Well, now you can turn that thought into reality with just a click.

Let’s talk about how Typedd’s new Chrome extension makes this super easy.

What’s This All About?

Typedd has a cool new tool that lets you turn your X posts and threads into blog articles. It’s simple to use and saves you a ton of time. Here’s how it works:

  1. You install the Typedd Chrome extension
  2. You add your Typedd blog’s API key to the extension
  3. When you’re on X, you’ll see a little “T” icon
  4. Click that icon, and boom! Your post is ready to become a blog article

How to Use It: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Install the Extension: Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for “Typedd”. Click “Add to Chrome”. Easy peasy.
  2. Set It Up: Once it’s installed, you’ll need to add your Typedd blog’s API key. Don’t worry, it’s not as techy as it sounds. You’ll find this key in your Typedd account settings.
  3. Use It on X: Now, whenever you’re on X and see a post or thread you want to turn into a blog, just look for the “T” icon. It’ll be right there on the page.
  4. Make Your Blog Post: Click the “T”, and a little window will pop up. You’ll see your X post there, ready to become a blog article. You can change the title if you want.
  5. Edit and Publish: Want to add more to your post? Go ahead and edit it right there in the popup. When you’re happy with it, just hit “Publish”. Done!
typedd website

Why This is Awesome

  1. Save Time: No more copying and pasting from X to your blog. This does it all for you.
  2. Reach More People: Some folks prefer blogs over social media. Now you can share your thoughts in both places easily.
  3. Look More Professional: A blog gives you more space to expand on your ideas. It makes you look more serious about what you’re saying.
  4. Better for SEO: Blog posts are great for showing up in search results. That means more people might find your ideas.
  5. Keep Your Best Thoughts: X moves fast. Your best posts can get lost in the shuffle. By turning them into blog posts, you’re saving them in a more permanent place.
  6. Edit on the Fly: See a typo in your X post? When you turn it into a blog post, you can fix it before it goes live on your blog.
  7. Consistent Branding: Your Typedd blog matches your brand. Now your X thoughts can live on your branded blog too.

Wrap Up

Writing good stuff takes time. With Typedd’s new Chrome extension, you can make the most of that time by easily turning your X posts into blog articles. It’s a simple way to grow your blog, reach more people, and keep your best ideas in a place where they’re easy to find.

Want to give it a try? Head over to the Chrome Web Store and search for Typedd. Install the extension, and start turning your X posts into blog gold today!