Turn Your X Posts into Blog Articles with One Click

x posts into blogs

Ever wrote a great thread on X (you know, the platform formerly known as Twitter) and thought, “This would make a great blog post”? Well, now you can turn that thought into reality with just a click. Let’s talk about how Typedd’s new Chrome extension makes this super easy. What’s This All About? Typedd has […]

A new affordable newsletter platform for founders & marketers

affordable newsletter platforms

These days, it seems like everyone’s talking about newsletters. From startup founders to marketing gurus, people are jumping on the newsletter bandwagon. And for good reason! Newsletters are a great way to connect with your audience, share your ideas, and build your personal brand. But how do you start one without spending a fortune or […]

Unlock New Possibilities with Zapier/Make Integration and Font Customization on Typedd

Hi everyone, We are thrilled to announce two exciting updates that will enhance your experience on Typedd: Zapier/Make Integration and a Font Changer for Your Website. These new features provide you with greater flexibility and control over your content and audience management. Let’s dive into the details! Zapier/Make Integration We’ve integrated with Zapier and Make […]

New Updates: Cool Image Backgrounds with Unsplash, New Design, Resend Integration

Hi everyone, I’m thrilled to share some exciting new updates on Typedd. My goal with Typedd is to provide you with the best tools for sharing your valuable content and building a dedicated audience. Here are the latest features we’ve launched to help you achieve just that: 1. Quick Add Image Background to Slides We’ve […]

How to generate leads through your everyday content?

Hey there, fellow content creators and entrepreneurs! Today, I’m excited to share a game-changing feature from Typedd will give you a way to generate leads through your content. Let’s dive right in. What Exactly is Gated Slides Content? So, you’re familiar with Typedd, right? It’s the go-to platform for crafting visually stunning blogs that stand […]